It's about damn time. January 2013 is almost over and I haven't posted anything anywhere. I could give you a list of excuses but I don't want to start the new year off whining.
There are only 39 posts from 2012 to choose from as I missed my goal of 100 by 61. Doh!
A great way to start off the list is with:
Planning for the End of the World I was really into the end of the world Mayan stuff in 2012, it made blogging easy.
Snot Preparedness Process I'm only into March but I've been sick on and off since the middle of October. I thought this was appropriate.
I sat on a bee Bringing back childhood memories.
So there you have them, my top 10 posts. Actually I think they are all great. You shoud get yourself a cup of coffee and read all of 2012.