I am Humbled
Apparently I am an Awesome Blogger Friend. And I have an award to prove it. Ann over at A Nice Place In The Sun bestowed the award upon me. She has me lumped in with some pretty awesome bloggers, so I am humbled. Thank you Ann!

The award originated at Ettarose-Edge of Sanity.com who I have been dropping EntreCards on here and there and her blog is a hoot! Stop over there for a laugh.
This is way cool for me, it's my first award. You like me, you really like me!
This morning, after going through what seemed to be a bout of writer's block, I had a post idea explosion in my brain. I don't know what happened but I now have a list of posts to write. Every 5 minutes a new idea popped in my head. I always keep a list going by the computer. So I went rifling through the papers on my desk, nothing had been added to it in a while. In fact there was only one idea written down and I'll post about it as soon as I figure out what I meant when I wrote down - "Lady zipper" it has me quite puzzled.
Congrats on your first award!!! Your blog SHOULD get "great sense of
humor" award.
Thank you Ellen!
(laughing) "Lady Zipper"? I write a list too, but lately it's been pitiful. I can't believe this is your first award~ Well...you most certainly deserve it. You're one of the funniest bloggers in the blogosphere.
Ettarose is also hilarious, isn't she? Congratulations Sue, and great post~
P.S. Have a great holiday weekend~
Thank you Ann! After pondering Lady Zipper, I figured it out! I'll be posting it soon!
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