It's A Major Award
Knowing that post number 500 was drawing near, I wanted to make a big deal out of it, like everyone else does. I've never celebrated a post number before, wasn't sure where I would go with it. So I decided to give myself an award.

I reminisced a little, looking through my old posts. Mis-spelled reminisced on the first try, damn it. Here is my very first post on this blog, which kind of explains the weird name Farvel Cargo. This blog started out as an advertising venue for our home business that never went anywhere, now it's just an addiction, an out of control addiction that consumes my life. You see I've barely started my Christmas shopping, the tree is only half decorated, no clean socks and I can't remember where Boy # 3 is. I don't know who I think is going to do all this stuff for me, but someone should. My blog has just been awarded a Major Award, I don't have time for trivial matters.
Congratulations on your major award, and hey, I would have given you one, if you had asked -- nicely. ;-)
If your husband had a blog, I'd give him a smiley vote too.
Thank you for the congrats and vote! My husband doesn't have a blog, his eyes glaze over when I talk blogging!
Way to go Sue!
Thank you Karen!
Wow that's a ton of posts, congrats. Self awarded awards are the best. I discovered you on your 500th post, so think I'm going to give myself one for that.
Congrats on hitting 500, and that's a really major award you've got there. Way to go!
Congrats on winning your very own award that you made just for yourself. You must be so proud. :)
You deserve a major award for that.
Thank you all for your best wishes!
I still can't believe I won!
500 posts! Congratulations. I just admitted in my last post that I too am addicted to blogging. Is there a support group for that? 12 step program?
Woohoo, Blahahahahahahahaha! We have started to talk Blogoneese! It's all
your fault! Show this to your Dad and
Uncle. They will fall down laughing!
You really deserve this coveted award. It is in keeping with your stylish humor which floors us on a regular basis. Keep making people
laugh! "You're the Greatest!"
Uncle Silly and Aunt Fluffy :)
Blogoneese!! LOL!!
Thank you guys!
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