I don't know, to me it looks like I have enough phone books, but "they" continue to drop them at the bottom of my driveway. And I continue to drag them into the house and pile them up on that shelf. "They" once dropped one on my front steps at 10:00 at night, breaking one of those little plastic American Flags that I had stuck in the ground for the Fourth of July, setting the dog into a barking frenzy and startling the husband out of a sound sleep on the recliner. Those Anti-American, house disturbing, phone book droppers are pissing me off.
Yea, you have to watch out for those guys. Phone books can be about as dangerous as bricks with notes taped to them, which were made famous by the mafia.
But back to phone book droppers: maybe you should sue them. Ha!
LOL... maybe there sending you mind... becuase I swear, I think I still have the same phone book from three years ago...
Ask me about my trip to the beach and how life is so unfair...
They pissed me off too! And "they" are like flies, you cannot catch them. Maybe if we set up camera's...yeah, that's an idea...
And put up a big spotlight...that would teach them. But then, we'd still have the mail carrier's junk mail... :( You just cannot win....
You always crack me up~ ;)))
Cheers~ Annie
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