Monday, June 01, 2009

Damn That Rock in my Purse

Apparently the junk in my purse is worth a Citronella Reed Diffuser Kit. I'll never take those silly assed games at Bridal Showers lightly again. I tied for third place in the Bridal Shower Purse Game or more commonly known as Crap You Carry Needlessly Around 24/7 in Your Purse Game. Hand Sanitizer and Band Aids are worth 7 points each. I got 10 points for a Q-tip and 12 points for my library card. Huh. Those little sewing kits that no one ever uses but can never, ever be disgarded - 15 points. I think what put me in my tie for third was the rock, it was worth 20 points. Yes, I have a rock in my purse, I need that extra weight to make me miserable or it's a good luck rock, can't remember.
Now I have a
Citronella Reed Diffuser Kit to ward off mosquito's. Which is awesome except for the fact that I have no patio furniture to go with it. You know what this means don't you? We're going to have to turn into one of those families that spends time together outside instead of in front of the TV. I'll probably have to start drinking wine and entertaining the neighbors instead of drinking vodka and orange juice in front of the computer. If we're going to spend more time outside there will be more yard work, I might even have to start a garden. Damn that rock in my purse. If only I would have chosen the gift wrapped door prize that was square instead of rectangle. I'd have a beautiful Lady Bug Planter right now with no social implications.


Candice said...

I would SO have sucked at that game. Unless you get a shitload of points for having approximately 29 tubes of lipgloss in your purse.

ReformingGeek said...

Oops and Gosh Dern It! You can always have a blog give-away or just send it to me. I pretend to have a garden and I do have some patio furniture although I spend more time on the computer than I do sitting on that furniture!

DouglasDyer said...

Vodka is a natural insect repellant. You can lose the citronella.

Ora - Looking for Offramp said...

Vodka and OJ is versatile, you can carry it outside to your patio. If you have a laptop you can bring the pleasures of the great indoors outdoors. Life is good.

Suzanne said...

Candice - Lip gloss was only worth 1 point, sorry.

ReformingGeek - Pretend? I can do that.

Doug - If it was a choice between citronella or vodka there would be no contest.

Ora - I could be one of those people then. Good idea!

Skye said...

I would lose at one of those games too. My little mini sewing kit you can't do without sits in my sewing basket. My purse holds the usual stuff; my pencil and charcoal set along with a sketch pad, a book of sudoku and jigoku puzzles, scissors and a utility knife allow with a maleable eraser and smudge sticks to go with the rest of my drawing stuff, a calculator to make sure I don't spend more than I budgeted for and last but not least some emergency bandaids because I cut myself at work far too frequently. Hmmmm, funnily enough, I just realized that I don't carry a wallet, all id and money is carried in my I guess that means my purse doesn't have the usual stuff in it at all :D

Suzanne said...

Skye - Looking at this list, you wouldn't have done so well. Start carrying a pair of panties in your purse, they're worth 20 points.