Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Codeine is Kicking in!

Hey I had two root canals today! Does that sound like fun or what? Two temporary crowns. Do I know how to enjoy a Tuesday morning? All that drilling, good times. Thank God for drugs. Boy #2 bailed on me. Left me with a sick kid and a hyper dog.
The dog was in her cage from 8 am until I got home from my wild morning at the dentist, around 12 pm. Boy #3 was still in bed, wiped out from his cold. I let the dog out, fed her and she layed back down for a nap with me. I let this happen with the understanding that I would have Boy #2 take her for a long walk later.
So I cursed Boy #2 while I watched the dog out my front window destroying my big red ribbon on my light post. I still might make him take her for a walk at 10 tonight, it depends on how well the codeine and I are getting along.

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