10 reasons I'm crabby today
These are not in any order of importance, remember I'm crabby and I shall not put forth the effort.
1. It's Monday.
2. I couldn't get my bra straps in the right spot all day, all day I suffered.
3. I'm 40 something and still treated like a child at work. I get my tedious work done in a timely fashion and don't need to be checked up on. I should have taken school seriously and I wouldn't be in this position, ahhhh to be young and stupid again.
4. My dishwasher is broken.
5. I'm scared Prince Poppycock isn't going to win America's Got Talent. H
e's made it to the final 4 but I don't think he has a good enough sob story to win over the sappy hearts of the American people. Michael Grimm trots out his aging grandparents every episode. Fighting Gravity gave up a semester of college to follow their dream. The little opera singer is just way to cute and has a voice of an angel, unless she's lip sinking, which I don't think she is but you still have to give her credit for remembering all those Italian words. I'm scared for you Prince Poppycock, I suggest you do some crying after your last performance.

6. I watch America's Got Talent.
7. I found out today that the polar bears in Alaska do not float around on icebergs drinking Coca-Cola. Can you believe we've been dooped all this time? Speaking of dooped how about that Global Warming, huh? Nissan you have got to be kidding me.
8. I broke my ankle bracelet this morning, two minutes before I had to leave for work. I will be finding teeny weeny little beads for all eternity.
9. I have to go to work again, tomorrow.
10. Did I mention it's Monday?
In case I've dragged your spirits down, here is a very funny video from America's Got Talent this year:
Evil Twin likes to mess with micro-managers. Would you like to borrow her for awhile?
Go braless tomorrow, 'K?
Will America's got talent ever. freaking. end????
Mondays! Sppptts! I spit in the face of Monday. Cheer up, there's only four more days until Friday. (I'm usually beaten down and haggard by Wednesday)
I haven't been keeping up with America's Got Talent, but Wayne loves it.
Carol - Please oh please send the evil twin to mess with the micro manager.
I could go braless and no body would know.
Candice - It's done this week. Survivor starts Wednesday!!!
Leeuna - I hate to wish away the days, this year has gone so fast. This job is a drag, got to make a change soon!
I hate it when I can't get my bra straps in the right spot.
Oops! I guess I shouldn't have admitted that.
Hey, guess what? That's two posts in a row that have mentioned ladies' undergarments and two comments in a row that indicate I'm a secret crossdresser.
One of us needs some help.
Or a wardrobe consultant.
Sorry you're crabby, by the way. Me, too. Just gotta wait it out.
P.S. -- Sue, every time I leave you a comment, I get an e-mail saying my e-mail was rejected by your server. I tried to e-mail you about it, but then I got an e-mail saying the same thing.
None of this is going to help your mood, of course.
Mike - I think you can totally go strapless, seriously. I have no idea what to do about this email problem, what the hell?
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