I started my other Blog in August. I call it the View of Sue. I have a view on just about everything, but right now I'm focusing on television. So far I have been reviewing Heroes, House, Dancing With The Stars, Survivor, My Name is Earl and The Office. I'm trying to handle these reviews without pissing off my husband. Out of the shows I mention, he only likes House. So there is a lot of recording going on with our DVR. Tonight might prove to be quite a test. Our Cleveland Indians start their playoff games against those damn Yankees. I might have to start watching episodes on my computer, all for a happy home life of course.
I'm happy to have your blog cause I hardly watch any tv. I know I'm missing some shows I really wanted to see too. So you can be my virtual Tivo!
I hate the Yankees! Go Indians...for now. I love the Red Sox! LOL!
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