Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's Really Cold Inside and Out

The furnace guy was suppose to be here at 11:30 and it is now 11:36. My toes are going numb. I woke this morning thinking, "Huh, it's cold in here. It is 14 degrees outside but still." I shuffled over to the thermostat, 61 degrees. That can't be right. So when Boy#3 went back to bed, previous post he's sick, and Boy #2 went to school, I addressed the situation, I crawled back into bed. It was still warm in there.
An hour later, the husband and I woke up and started to look for the furnace guys phone number. During that search the kitchen got disheveled, now I have to clean out an entire drawer. Damn that furnace. I'm going to look out the window some more, make more coffee and look for the heating pad for my toes. Hopefully I'll find it right away and won't have to clean anymore drawers.

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