Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Weekend in a Nutshell

I was asked on my chatbox how my weekend was going. There isn't much room there to elaborate so I said good. It was good. Hold on to something I plan to elaborate. Actually, besides being colder than a witches tit in a brass bra, it was good. Did I just type tit?
First of all I'm happy to let all my readers know that the neighbor across the street finally took her Christmas wreath off her front door. This was a huge distraction for me, as I would look out my office window searching for some insightful verbiage in a post and there hung the wreath. My mind would then wander off.
Second of all, Sunday was the husbands birthday and my mom volunteered to have everyone to her house for dinner. I didn't have to clean my house or hardly cook. That worked out well for me. The house is a complete disaster because I have my new domain name and hosting all set up, thank you Val, and I messed around with that all day Saturday.
Speaking of my new blog, if anyone can help me with this latest email from tech support I would be most grateful:

Your router is blocking "ICMP Ping Requests" and that is why the trace route is failing. You should consult your router's documentation to see how to enable this again. As for your firewall situation, you are either being blocked by your router if it has a built in firewall or by Norton. Again, you would need to consult the software documentation to look into how to create firewall exceptions for cPanel.

I can log in or open any other site that my little heart desires except my cpanel at SurpassHosting. I will be plastering this question around the blogs and message boards today as I am anxious to get www.diabeticride.com up and running!
I am understanding it as I need to tell my computer to give a site more time to hook up together. Feel free to laugh at me and talk down to me, but just help!
So yeah, I had a good weekend!


valmg said...

Hi Sue.
I'm sorry you've having a problem. I'm not sure how to fix that one. Might I suggest you register for surmunity, it's the surpass user forum, and try asking there. Some of those folks know a whole lot of stuff.

Suzanne said...

Thanks Val!
I did register at surmunity. There are only so many questions I will ask until I start thinking I'm a pest. But I am working on the problem, it's just a little discouraging. I wanted to be designing by now, not dealing with firewalls! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Is the brass bra shiny or matt. Shiny probably would be colder.

Anyway, you probably should type this into your browser and bring up an interface to your router. Hopefully it will let you in without having a username and password. If it needs those, call the company who gave you the router and ask them. After 5 hours of hold music a three CSR's later you should get someone to reset your password so you can get in and change the firewall setting.

Good luck.