Ummmm...... It hasn't stopped snowing since Friday morning. This morning I was outside with Boy #2 helping him clean off my car so he could get to work. I made him take mine, it's 4 wheel drive. He's is now safely home and I can stop worrying. The snow is twice as high as it is in the picture and still coming down. Digging out maybe a little more than I thought it would be Monday morning. The weatherman here in Northeast Ohio, the legendary Dick Goddard, is calling it The Weekend Wallop!
Oh that really doesn't look like much fun. And here I was complaining about our little bit of snow here in Dallas.
We got a wallop too. There's about a foot of snow out there now but the wierdest thing was the thunder and lightening while it was storming. Pretty cool. Daughter #2 was traveling here through the worst of it to come to her sister's birthday celebration so I was stressed until her arrival. I shopped and stocked up the day before too. Glad I did. Stay warm!
Wow! Hang in there. And I thought it was cold here- I live in the deep south so I've never even seen that much snow. I'm glad your boy made it home safely~ :))
Have a nice week-end~
We made it through the Weekend Wallop! LOL! The boys dug us out of the driveway Sunday. Thanks you everyone! I had to laugh Saturday night, the weatherman upgraded us to - Wicked Weekend Wallop! LOL!
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