Friday, November 02, 2007

Sue Will Be in the Kitchen Sunday

I just talked myself into a long day in the kitchen for Sunday. And since I'm the only one around here that pays attention when I talk, I better listen. So the dog and I are off to the bank, because I have $3.00 in my wallet and then the market. I have to buy a bunch of apples for pies and applesauce. I also plan on making homemade soup for the crew.
I checked my other blog View of Sue for an answer to a question I posted there yesterday. No answer yet, so here it is: On an episode of Hereo's, Claires mom was making breakfast, she had a pot of boiling water on the stove and she cracked an egg over it and it dropped in and boiled it. What the hell? I've never seen and egg cooked like that. Is that some kind of ethnic thing? Or a regional thing? Somebody please explain it to me.


Anonymous said...

I answered there. So now you and your readers have to go look there to see!

Suzanne said...

Thank you Connie!