Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Buckeye is Trippin'
She gets out of the truck with a gaping wound on, I guess her doggie shoulder. It's where the front leg and body meet. "Might have to go to the vet? Are you kidding me? Get the check book."
The husband isn't irresponsible, I should let you know that. I think he likes the dog, Buckeye, better than the kids. He just takes Buckeye over to his sisters every Saturday to play with Oliver, the big black lab. They have a fenced in yard and we don't. Dogs do what dogs do or Buckeye was trying to hump Oliver. A fight ensued and Buckeye ended up getting stitches in the dog

This happened at 1:00pm ish and by 5:00pm we were taking Buckeye home. She walked in a Z pattern through the parking lot, she's trippin' on sedatives and pain pills and sleeping it off on the couch. As you can see in the picture. While she was on her doggie high, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to clean Sid the Leopard Gecko's cage. I could clunk that aquarium around without Buckeye's nose into everything and scaring poor Sid out of his skin. And it worked, Sid is styling in a clean cage with a new cage carpet and Buckeye is none the wiser. This is about the time when I realized I had nothing in my stomach but Mocha Cappuccino, 24 ounces of it. I got dizzy and shaky. The moron that I am, I asked myself, "Should I eat first or blog about this?"
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Dreams, Death and Birth
You could see a hint of fear in every female of the families face.
The dream, let me explain, my mother-in-law will have a vivid dream of "Uncle Chub's" farm. Uncle Chub is dead, the farm has been sold and whenever Mom dreams of him and the farm someone in the family ends up pregnant.
My dear brother-in-law tried to put us all at ease, "Jessie's pregnant."
My niece shoots that down with, "Dad, you know it doesn't work that way, it's one of us."
Back when we had two boys, the husband and I took a trip, alone, to Atlantic City. A few days before our departure Mom told us she had the dream and she told us with a little twinkle in her eye. "It" was on it's way any day, safely pack in my suitcase were maxi-pads, "It's not me." On our way home with the maxi-pads still packed, I told the husband, "Stop at the drug store, I have to buy a pregnancy test."
"Oh God."
Getting out of the car I asked, "Do you need anything?"
On my way into the drug store I muttered, "If I have to stay sober for the next nine months, he's going to too."
It was positive. The husband and I out-numbered ourselves, it was us against them and the chaos ensued.
I knew for certain that it wasn't me this time, but that doesn't put me at ease, I have three post pubescent boys. Quickly in my head I was trying to figure out my odds, while shooting "the exorcist" looks at them. The entire immediate family wasn't there, but I wanted to know, "All right, someone is pregnant, and I want to know who it is."
And all I heard was a chorus of, "It's not me."
Friday, March 21, 2008
I Want to Win a Renuzit TriScents Home Makeover
How about if I won a Home Makeover? Would that be awesome or what? Renuzit TriScents is running a $20,000 Home Makeover contest and we would have to start in the living room. I’m so stoked. All you have to do is submit a 2-minute limit video length and a 250-word limit essay. I can write a book on the work that needs done in my house. See official rules here.
We added a fireplace in our living room this past summer and I’m having a hard time designing the rest of the room. I have a kid with a new video camera and writing an essay will come very easy for me. I’m sure I can win once they take a look at my living room, they will have to take pity on me. I will definitely enter to win! Also you can download a Renuzit TriScents Starter Kit coupon for their two scents Seaside Breezes™ and Morning Meadow.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Blogging Family Style
"I'm going to go stand over there now."
After we got the Ohio's crappy winter weather conversation out of the way he told me he started a blog. These two clowns have so much fun that I've been telling them to start blogging. I'm so excited they jumped into the blogging world. Way to go guys!
3/19/2008 06:05:00 PM
Labels: Aunt Fluffy, blogging, family, Just me, Uncle Silly Willy
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Easter Egg Coloring

"Do you know I had to make them with food coloring." I would say.
Probably, I should have saved the "recipe", Easter Sunday is in five days and I haven't bought my little kit yet. I have about 37 of those wire egg dippers in my utensil drawer. Why don't I throw them away? Why do I continually let them tangle with my slotted spoons, spatula's and basting brush? It can't be sentimental, can it? Am I that much of a sap? No way, I just don't want to clean out the utensil drawer.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Ohio Mortgage Rate
Couple Questions For My Readers
Question #1: How hopped up do you think I'll get on two 20oz. cups of Mocha Alert Cappuccino? It has double the caffeine. I stopped of course and they were out of the 24 oz. cups. So I bought two 20 oz. Mocha Alerts and I'm about to start the second. I should probably eat something.
Question #2: And this might be more of a girl question, you tell me. When buying Mousse (for your hair) at WalMart, what is the difference between, Mega-Hold, Ultra-Hold and Ultimate-Hold?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Checking Out Kettering University
From the Marines, to a policeman, history teacher, then electrician and now industrial engineering, Boy #2 the Senior has me all over the internet seeking education information. But I encourage him to explore as many options for his future career as possible. What’s that old saying? “Do something you love and you will never work a day in your life.” I think it goes something like that.
While an education is very important, experience on the job can be just as educational. US News and World Report is telling me that Kettering University is the #1 University in the nation for Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. Huh! In their engineering co-op programs students get placed in a job and rotate between the job and school. That’s what you call the best of both worlds I would say.
Back From New York
Friday, March 14, 2008
Skin Health Today
I think I’m missing out on the internet radio thing. I’m a talk radio junkie. One of my guys took the day off today and I decided to search for radio on the internet. Something I knew was there but never looked into. And that search lead me to a skin care site. I know, I’m having a hard time focusing today.
Grandma's Have Bursitis
bur·si·tis [ber-sahy-tis]
noun Pathology.
inflammation of a bursa.
What the hell is a bursa?
bur·sa /ˈbÉœr
noun, plural .
a pouch, sac, or vesicle, esp. a sac containing synovia, to facilitate motion, as between a tendon and a bone.
Does that clear everything up? I'm pretty sure I don't have tendons in my head. But I can't be 100% sure of that. I'm leaning towards a sinus headache more and more. I think I'll just take some asprin instead of delving into the weather change/sinus headache phenomenon.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
GPS Push for Mother's Day
I’m what you call directionally challenged. Someone can give me general instructions to get me somewhere and I’ll say to them, “Yeah but, which way do I turn when I get to the end of my driveway?” Then realization sets in and they get out the maps and compasses, paper and pencil, the cell phone numbers and overnight emergency bags with snacks. I would rather be a passenger, look at the pretty scenery and asking the husband if he’s sure he knows where he’s going.
I know there are technological advances in the way of driving direction to avoid getting lost now a days. I can’t think of anyone that needs a GPS Pal more than me. That’s why I plan on a GPS push for Mother’s Day. Those boys would be lost without me, it should be up to them to make sure I get to my destinations without incident.
Mocha Cappuccino Science
For the days that I stay in huddle over the computer in my jammies I've found a double mocha cappuccino mix. I mix two-thirds coffee, one-third milk and three table spoons of the instant mix and that keeps my going until I go out again.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
My Online Community
It's a Major Award

"Sweet." This was Boy #3's response.
Look at my picture, Boy #1 received a Major Award! I wish I would have had more time to make sure the picture turned out better. The Award is called The Step Up Award. He was being recognized for his hard work and moving up in the company. He was Employee of the Quarter not to long ago. He works across the street from the husband. At lunch hour, he and his Major Award jumped in his truck to run over and showed the husband. And the picture is of him after I hugged him and kissed him on both cheeks, he stopped over after he left work.
Often the husband and I sit in our recliners discussing our boys. Saying to each other, "We did something right." The boys are always told by us that we love them and we always let them know we are proud of them. We somehow have instilled in them a good work ethic and they can see it's paying off. Tonight we are going out to eat courtesy of the company Boy #2 works for, he was February's Employee of the Month.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Heavily Influenced Wedding
Wow, wedding invitations have sure change since the last time I browsed through them, twenty-three years ago. I was twenty-one when I was planning my wedding, back in the day. A lot of the wedding decisions where heavily influenced by my mother. She said the wedding invitations should be plain off-white with black lettering. I think I still have copies of mother’s guide to proper wedding etiquette wedding invitations in my attic. Some of our wedding gifts involved our invitation too. It’s in a frame somewhere and on a big, off-white candle. Some people can be so clever. I should get that big old candle out of the attic.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
The Weekend Wallop

3/08/2008 07:12:00 PM
Labels: Dick Goddard, northeast ohio, snow, snow storm, weather, weatherman
Friday, March 07, 2008
What a Busy Day
What a busy day! I had to drive around in the snow to make sure I stocked the fridge and get some bills paid. Just now, I’m starting to dig out from under the Christmas bills. It’s my own fault, I found so many deals from the Black Friday ads that I went overboard, just a little.
I had to get a job. I received an email when the latest Black Friday ads were posted and shopped online until my fingers were soar. All I had to do was submit my email address at their site and I received the ads for the Friday after Thanksgiving sales. The Friday after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday, an ominous sounding day for a full frenzy of shopping. Looking for parking spaces, fighting crowds, standing in line, it’s just not for me. I avoided all that by shopping online last Christmas. I had my packages brought to me, right to my door. WalMart and Kohl’s love me. In fact, Kohl’s send me a note every month.
Northeast Ohio Getting Clobbered
How Things Get Done
Throughout almost 23 years of marriage I’ve learned how to get things done. Maybe I should say, how to get the husband to get things done. I throw him into the situation that I’m unhappy about. It’s how I got my windshield wiper fixed. I strategically parked my car behind his and told him just take my car one morning. I had my windshield wipers fixed the next day. Now I want a new internet connection, muahaha!
Really, the only time the husband uses our home computer is to quickly look something up or to do ours and the boys taxes. Ours are done, he came out of my little office commenting on how slow my computer is. “Yeah.” I replied, “I still can’t get into the cpanel of my new blog yet.”
“We need to look into a new internet hook up.”
See how that works?
Today my search for high speed internet began. Clicking around the internet I found a chance to bid on Charter High-Speed® Internet services for life at an online auction that starts March 12, 2008. You have to register to be able to bid and you can also register to win a Nintendo® Wii™.
Click Here for a Chance to Win a Nintendo® Wii™!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
You Don't Really Miss Something Until It's Gone
Tuesday on my way to and from work, I found out I can't say enough about windshield wipers. I don't want to play favorites, but especially the left one. You know the one that helps you see the road when driving.
The windshield wipers get stuck in ice and snow, I've heard that some impatient drivers will grab the windshield wiper with unnecessary force to clean the windshield. The hell you say! Take care of your windshield wipers, you'll miss them when they're gone.
Monday, March 03, 2008
There Were Zombies

The Zombies were just starting to wake up in my dream and I was right in the middle of them, I would have liked to see where we were going with that. I've seen enough Zombie movies to know that you have to hit them in the head to kill them. I've been playing softball since I was a kid, I have a pretty good swing.
I guess the dog sensed my disappointment, when we woke in the morning she had moved to the couch. Either she was scared of the Zombies coming back, she didn't want to wake me again or she was trying to make me feel bad. I didn't even know she left, I was in a deep sleep of course. The rest of my dreams were lost to me.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Lack of Communication
At the Dry Cleaners today, yes I'm going there, I picked up the husbands shirts. I had just been to the bank and had a fist full of twenties, a five and a couple ones. Not enough change to evenly dole out lunch money when I got home. The Asian woman that works there knows my last name. Very little conversation goes on between us each week, because beyond Hello, Thank you, 6 ah forty and have a good day, I don't think she says much else in English. She is always talking to the guy that works there or on the phone in whatever language she speaks, not sure. Her vocabulary increased for me today though, when I tried to pay for my 6 ah forty bill with a twenty. She looked in my wallet as she was giving me my change and said, "You pay with 7 dollah, I need change."
She tried to give me back my twenty. But.......
"I need change." She said, pointing to my wallet.
There's a bank right across the street.
I didn't know if I should have been scared of the guy lurking behind the shirt presser or not, but I needed lunch money, evenly distributed, for teenagers.
"I'm sorry." I said, "I need this."
"Okay, have a good day."
She definitely got her point across to me, much more than I could trying to speak in any other language. Next week I'll make sure I pay 6 ah forty with my 7 dollah.