Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Glass is Half Full
Thursday, December 27, 2007
EarthFrisk Democratic Search Engine
Were You Naughty or Nice?
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Diabetes! What do we do now?
Friday, December 21, 2007
The Christmas Bracelet

Right before we were ready to leave for Christmas Eve Chinese dinner, the husband handed me a card. Huh? Immediately I was thrown off. He made the card himself.
Inside it said, “Some angels are created and some you are lucky enough to marry or call mom! So we wanted to Thank You for being the family’s Guardian Angel.”
I well-up now, a year later, when I read it. I was given instructions inside the card to look under the tree for a small box. “What? There’s no box under the………. Oh!”

There was a note inside the box to go to the hall closet. I was all over the house reading notes when finally I found another box. Inside this box was the tennis bracelet I had been hinting about for years. The husband, the boys and the girlfriend all had grins on their faces during this entire scene. I looked at my husband with tears streaming down my face, he looked at me with his cocky, snake-in-the-grass look that I have grown to love over the last 22 years and asked, “Well do you like it?”
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Restroom Door Said Gentleman
Here is one of my favorite silly Christmas songs and it's sung by my favorite people, those that have chosen to protect us. Our soldiers! Thank you guys!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Codeine is Kicking in!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Friday, December 14, 2007
Must Keep my Readers
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I Have to Get Out More
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Clever Skateboarder
Take a Picture of Your Desk

Monday, December 10, 2007
I Have to Finish my Shopping
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Sunday Kitchen Drudgery

Saturday, December 08, 2007
Unwinding During the Holidays
Friday, December 07, 2007
My Name is Suzanne
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Christmas Tree of Blogs

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Holiday Light Show to Trans Siberian
I had to put this on my blog so I can find it quick and watch whenever I want to! I love Trans Sierian Orchestra. This song is called Wizards in Winter and it's awesome! My kids are the ones that turned me on to this song and video. So enjoy this wonderful Christmas video!
The Dog and the Christmas Tree are Getting Along

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Hello, Dialaflight?
Monday, December 03, 2007
Bring It On Baby!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Pay it Forward
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Stuff Those Stockings With Sunglasses
Deck the Halls
Downright Amazing
The Dog is Pissed

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
More Stores Added to Coupon Chief
Winter Can Proceed

Save 70% at Hotel Resevations
Estimated Time of Resolution
Wear a Beige Dress and Keep Your Mouth Shut
Blog About This

Trusted Tours and Attractions
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I'm Taking the Afternoon Off
Monday, November 26, 2007
Dead Deer Conclusion

Cyber Monday
Farvel Clearance: New and gently used items in this store. PokeMon Trading Cards to Glassware.
Farvel T-Shirts: These t-shirts are blank on the front but on the back it looks like someone has pinned a note on it.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
There is a Dead Deer Across the Street Laying Next to the Fire Hydrant
Friday, November 23, 2007
Successful Turkey Day!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
St. Augustine is Hoppin'
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
One Mustn't Screw with Thanksgiving Dinner
I went to the store this morning for the potatoes and then stopped for a mocha. Got back home around noon, the dog slobbered on me and I went to wash my hands. There was no water coming out of my faucet. So that's what those men up the street, that I so carefully avoided hitting with my car, were doing. Turning off the communities water the day before Thanksgiving, the most important dinner of the year. I could hear a collective scream of frustration throughout the neighborhood.
About an hour later it came back on. One mustn't screw with Thanksgiving dinner. The thought of Thanksgiving dinner without mashed potatoes is devastating. The thought of Thanksgiving dinner without mashed potatoes being your fault, a fate worse than death. I filled my boiling pot with water, more than I'll need. Those potatoes will be made tomorrow come hell or high water.
Bring That Portable Scanner Home
Thanksgiving Dinner, the Best Smell in the World
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Arm Yourself With Information
I Have Time to Work on My Blog
Student Specialist in Car Insurance
Morning Sue
Monday, November 19, 2007
Some Would Call It Age I Suppose
When the husband and I met, it was on a softball field. We both played two to three nights a week, all different days. So our dates were when we met at the bar afterward. Before the games we met briefly, told each other good luck and helped tape up whatever hurt. Never anything serious, we were young, a product like Freeze It never entered our minds. One day before a game the husband threw an ace bandage at me and asked me to help wrap his knee. As I wound the ace bandage around his knee and the other end dwindled, something fell out, an engagement ring. Romantic, isn’t he? We were married and the softball games didn’t quit, when softball season was over, bowling started.
When the boys came the sports slowed down. But what really slowed us down were the soar knees, elbows and necks. Some would call it age I suppose.
When the boys started team sports, that’s when we stopped. We would go for walks, bike rides and swims over the years but gone were the strenuous activities. As the years went by we became weekend warriors! Go to work all week and yard work on the weekend. On Monday mornings we started making unfamiliar sounds, without warning a groan would escape our mouths, we were starting to sound like our parents. How did this happen?

It's All About The Cleveland Browns

Christmas on the Beach
Ohio Can Celebrate

Are there any Cleveland fans reading my post? If so, do you think Cleveland is turning a corner in the sports world and we are actually in for some good times and perhaps a championship?
Make Sure Your Address Can Be Seen
Several times both my parents and my husband’s mom have had to call an ambulance to their house for one reason or another, this goes along with the golden years. Children don’t want to hear about those emergencies but as we slowly start to take care of them instead of visa versa one thing to think about is making sure there is a clear view of the house address. So the ambulance driver can see it. Almost as important is so the pizza deliveryman can see it. The importance could be a toss up depending on how old you are.
Cleveland Browns Phil Dawson Kicks A 51-yd Field Goal
Get your purple butts back on that field! Of course the field goal is good! Can you believe that? Two refs can't see that and they're are standing right there? Finally Cleveland gets a call to go our way....eventually.
My family all had on our coats while watching the field goal attempt, we were on our way to my sister-in-laws for dinner. We just expected Dawson to miss it because we are jaded Cleveland fans. The officials motioned no good. My husband said, "Let's go." Boy #1 and Boy #2 both said, "Whoa, wait a minute! That was good!"
I wish I would have taken a picture of all of us standing in the living room with our coats on and me holding a plate of brownies watching the TV, waiting for a ruling on the field.
Cleveland went on to win the game and this time the Browns got closer to the goal post for Phil Dawson and he made it with no problem.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Top 10 Christmas Gifts has top 10 lists for family gifts, for her, for him and for kids. You can find some great ideas. Everyone has that hard to shop for person on his or her list and I feel for you if you have more than one. Click on one of the items in the top 10 list and it will take you to a full description of that item. You will be provided with a coupon code and a link to order.
The Crabby Host
Sending Another One Off Into The Real World
Wrap It Up
Jingle Those Keys and I'm Ready To Go
GO Ohio State! O. H. I. O.

I'm Not Trying to Interfere
Hey! How Stupid Do We Look?
When I wake up in the morning, while trying to get Boy #3 out of bed, I put on Fox News. I have to make sure the world isn't blowing up before I start my day. This morning I got to see a recap of the winners and losers in the Democratic debate. They have a moving chart of the reactions of people while watching the debate. It's explained to us that the viewers have a significant drop in approval when the Democrat Candidates go after each other with personal attacks. Okay. Show me a visual. They do! The TV screen fills with a chart and moving lines. They show a question being asked and then Hillary and Obama go at it. We see the lines descend. Really with my own eyes I can see the lines descend. But the reporter decides to use his pointer to show me the lines descending. Thanks pal. Talk down to me some more.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I Have Medicine Head
Time to Take a Family Picture
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Miscalculations and Mocha
Cheatin' Husband Lost His Jaguar
What’s that old saying? “If you’re gonna play, you’re gonna pay.” I think the
Dinner and a Flashlight
Save Money With Coupons
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Twelve Pains of Christmas
I've started to listen to Christmas songs already. It's my favorite part of the holiday season. I love Christmas music and my favorite song is Oh Holy Night. I crank the CD's up in my car and sing my heart out. I like the funny songs too, like "Walking Around in Womens Underwear".
I found this video on YouTube - The Twelve Pains of Christmas for your listening and viewing pleasure!
Watch out for the Jerk Behind Me

Monday, November 12, 2007
I Have Become My Mother
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I Stepped In Dog Poop
Friday, November 09, 2007
It's Chaotic
Let's Share Cookie Recipes
Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe
1 - ¾ cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup butter of margarine
¾ granulated sugar
¾ cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
¾ cup peanut butter
Stir together flour, soda and salt. Set aside.
Cream together butter, peanut butter, and sugars. Add egg and vanilla and beat well.
Stir in dry ingredients.
Drop by level tablespoons onto greased baking sheets.
Use fork to make crisscross pattern on top of each cookie.
Bake in 350 degree oven about 10 minutes or until lightly browned.
Cool on baking sheet.
Now if anyone wants to share a cookie recipe with me I will be more than happy to entertain the idea of adding it to my list!
I Don't Know What They'd Do Without Me
Jewelry, Put it on Your List
My Office Window

Thursday, November 08, 2007
Spreading Holiday Cheer
Now that’s a gift! And a great idea. Only $65 for adults and $49 for kids 12 to 17 years of age. I’ve never been to New York City before I’m such a hick. I’d have to go with someone that has been there before.I’ll have to pass this information on the my parents, they go on a get-away every February with there friends. And this offer the CityPass is good from December 15 to March 15, perfect for the February Group, that’s what they call themselves.
Boy #2 Threw Up
Alzheimer's Foundation of America National Memory Screening Day
While memory screening and early detection of Alzheimer’s and other memory loss illness’s are an important part of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, it is that, part of a wonderful organization dedicated to finding a cure. Dedicated to insuring proper care and improving the quality of life for those afflicted with memory loss diseases. Donations are extremely appreciated. Do you have someone on your holiday gift list that is difficult to buy for? Make a donation in their name or a loved ones name that is or has been afflicted with Alzheimer’s.I cherish the memories my mom and dad have of the old days. My mother-in-law loves to tell us about Aunt Jean and Uncle Chubs farm. About a month ago I found out I had an Uncle Nub. “Uncle Nub?” I asked, “Well, he lost a few fingers when he was a teenager.” Oh my God! You can’t make that stuff up! And that kind of information is probably not in writing anywhere. My grandfather was called Slim because he was skinny and I had an Uncle Java, because he liked coffee so much. Our parents are a wealth of information and memories. And it would be a shame to not be able to access those fun stories. Poor Uncle Nub.
Am I a True Fan?

The Mist by Stephen King
The Mist will be in the Theaters November 21, plenty of time to read the book first. I mentioned the movie to Boy #2 and his girlfriend and their eyes lit up, “That looks like a good movie.” They said in unison. This is good, because I don’t know if I will be able to get my husband to take me and I’ll need a backup plan. My husband and I don’t see eye to eye when it comes to movies. He did like The Stand by Stephen King so there is hope.I want to see this movie and the fact that Thomas Jane is in it makes it all the more appealing.